Overview and task Teridion is an innovative Internet overlay provider for enterprise. Teridion’s look and feel didn’t match the cutting edge technology it delivers. It needed a visual branding that will help them stand out from the competition and attract new customers. The solution The visual branding we created for Teridion is telling a story […]

Overview and task Insurance is often seen as a complicated and difficult process. However, ISC provides insurance brokers with a wide range of easy-to-use insurance programs. The solution ISC’s new clean brand, “Insurance Programs Made Easy,” reflects the company’s commitment to providing a simple and intuitive insurance experience. The simple and memorable brand elements make […]

Overview and task SysAid develops and provides IT Service Management software for the professional market. Needing to capture the attention of an audience inundated with promotional material, SysAid asked us to develop a campaign that would motivate prospects and customers to attend company webinars. The solution Inviting, fun and engaging, we developed a promo campaign […]

Data Communications Overview and task Bynet is Israel’s leading provider of end-to-end integration solutions and services. The company got to a point that its visual brand wasn’t portraying the leading innovative company it really is. The solution Refreshing the company’s visual brand and creating on going creative marketing materials, including branding Bynet’s yearly customer events […]

text here? Overview and task Israeli-based Ithil Jewelry launched a new international online brand. In the highly competitive jewelry market, the new brand needed a distinct identity. The solution We developed a visual identity that gave Spira an authentic, spiritual, urban voice, designed to appeal to young woman globally who are looking for handcrafted jewelry. […]
Regina Ungar

Corporate Financial Consulting Overview and task Regina Ungar has over 20 years of experience in the fields of management and finance. She’s a lecturer at Tel Aviv University and a board member for several large organizations. This expertise and experience needed to be communicated through her company’s brand. The solution We started by building a […]

3D Printing & Additive Manufacturing Overview and task As a leading 3D printer company, Stratasys participates in many forums and conferences worldwide, lending their expertise and industry insight. To ensure that their presence always conveys its leadership position and presentations provide the impact they are meant to, they demand a brand compliant and sleek design […]

For Healthier Lives Overview and task Maabarot Group consists of five companies, each of which operates in a different market. Maabarot wanted to create a consistent visual identity for the group, while offering sufficient flexibility to allow each company to develop its own look & feel within the group visual identity. The solution A consistent […]

From Human Resources to Human Capital Overview and task Synerion (formerly Lavie Time Tech), a leader in workforce management solutions, entered the global market and expanded its product offering to Talent Management. The wanted a new visual identity to reflect their new talent management offering and appeal to global clients. The solution The new name, […]